Founded in 1974, Adams Management Services today employs ten financial managers.

Founded in 1974, Adams Management Services today employs ten financial managers. All our managers are kept up-to-date with constant training and refresher courses in their specialist areas of finance, economics and law.

Furthermore, Adams Management Services collaborates with a trusted team of tax specialists, notaries, accountants and lawyers who act as advisors.

In complex situations like mergers and acquisitions that require expert assessments, Adams can act as an external advisor in all fiscal and legal areas. We advise our customers about the new management structure, the integration process, and if required, we also give advice concerning the companies’ new policies.

Would you like to know more?

Adams is here to help. So if you want to talk about the financial side of you business please make an appointment

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Adams Management Services BV

Zekeringstraat 32-D
3rd Floor (Units B.2 - B.3)
1014 BS Amsterdam

Tel: 020 626 25 35